If we ever get into the thick of a heated discussion, that’s okay. These discussions often entail topics that we all personally care a lot about and will passionately defend. But in order for discussions to thrive here, we need to remember to criticize ideas, not people.
Personal attacks and harassment will not be tolerated. Sexist, racist, misogynist, homophobic, and broad, offensive generalizations about groups of people are simply not allowed. Comments or discussions written intentionally to provoke will be removed.
Remember to avoid:
If you don’t have something nice to say about another commenter, don't say it. Treat others the way you’d like to be treated.
Always strive to add value to every interaction and discussion you participate in.
- name-calling
- ad hominem attacks
- responding to a post’s tone instead of its actual content.
- knee-jerk contradiction
If you don’t have something nice to say about another commenter, don't say it. Treat others the way you’d like to be treated.
Always strive to add value to every interaction and discussion you participate in.
If you are not sure your post adds to the conversation, think over what you want to say and try again later.
Keep it tidy.
Take a moment to ensure that what you’re about to post is in the right place. That means:
If you see something, say something.
If you see an issue, contact the moderator if possible or flag any comments for review. If you believe someone has violated the rules, report it by flagging the user's profile. But please do not abuse this option by reporting commenters that simply disagree with you.
No obtuse self-promotion.
A comment that contains ONLY a link to your blog, a product, or your article on another site will almost always be removed.
Choose your words wisely.
Comments that contain profanity are automatically held for moderator review before being posted. Depending on the context of the comment, it may be removed. Profanity used to insult, antagonize, or inflame will always be removed.
My blog, my rules.
Keep it tidy.
Take a moment to ensure that what you’re about to post is in the right place. That means:
- don’t post off-topic comments or discussions.
- don’t post the same thing multiple times
If you see something, say something.
If you see an issue, contact the moderator if possible or flag any comments for review. If you believe someone has violated the rules, report it by flagging the user's profile. But please do not abuse this option by reporting commenters that simply disagree with you.
No obtuse self-promotion.
A comment that contains ONLY a link to your blog, a product, or your article on another site will almost always be removed.
Choose your words wisely.
Comments that contain profanity are automatically held for moderator review before being posted. Depending on the context of the comment, it may be removed. Profanity used to insult, antagonize, or inflame will always be removed.
My blog, my rules.
Deleting a jerk comment does not mean taking away freedom of speech. They still have the right to express themselves, they just have to take their crap elsewhere. Also, remember that conversations require listening as well as speaking. So maybe if you have nothing nice to say, you can just listen.
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Happy commenting! |