Welcome to my Review Policy page!
I am currently NOT accepting book review requests.
Welcome to my Review Policy page!
I am currently NOT accepting book review requests.
I am currently NOT accepting book review requests.
My book review posts consist of the following:
- Cover art - usually lifted from Goodreads
- Title - if available, the title is linked to the book’s website
- Author - if available, the author’s name is linked to his/her website
- Publication details - date of publication and publisher’s name
- Source details - bought, borrowed, won from a giveaway, traded, Edelweiss/NetGalley, provided by author/publisher. Reviews done from a provided book will be treated the same as those done from books I have acquired otherwise. Being provided with a copy will not affect the integrity of my review.
- Format obtained - hardcover, paperback, ebook, ARC, eARC
- Purchase/Pre-order links - I include pre-order/purchase links from various online stores. I am enrolled in the affiliate program of Book Depository which means I will earn a small commission when a purchase is completed via my affiliate links.
- Summary - usually lifted from Goodreads
- My personal thoughts about the book - I am not a full-time, professional reviewer. I tend to use my heart more than my head in reviewing what I've read. I also cannot say that my reviews are objective because my opinions are influenced by my subjective reading tastes. Basically, it's a reader's response type of review. I just tell how the book made me feel. My thoughts while the story unfolds. If I were able to connect or relate with the characters. If the romance made me swoon. Am I surprised or satisfied with the ending? My guarantee with my book reviews is my honesty.
- Diversity Watch - this is a new feature on my reviews as discussed in my post here. It's basically a list of the characters checking and identifying if their race and gender are explicitly specified in the text.
- Other details such as blurbs, guest posts, excerpts, interviews and giveaways may also be added if requested by the author/publisher/blog tour organizer.
My Rating System
I always cross-post my reviews to Goodreads so I am sort of adopting their rating system.

It's problematic and I did not like it.

Meh, it was okay.

I liked some. I did not like some.

I really liked it.

It was amazing!
Other blog review post details you might wanna know:
- My reviews are always cross-posted on Goodreads.
- My reviews are automatically posted on my Bloglovin’ account.
- I will also share a link of my reviews on social media: Facebook and Twitter.
- Also, expect me to spread my bookish opinions to family, friends, fellow commoners, and commuters via WORD OF MOUTH. I will rave, rant, sing hymns of praises about the books I've read while rambling on with daily life.
My preferred books:
- Young adult
- New adult
- Adult
- Contemporary
- Mystery/Suspense/Thriller
- Dystopia
- Fantasy
- Christian fiction
- Classics
- Local fiction (I love to support Filipino authors.)
My not-so preferred books:
- Non-fiction
- Memoirs
- Biography
- Short story/Essay collections
- Erotica
- Self-help
Guidelines on Sending Review Requests
- Email me at rurounijennireads[at]gmail[dot]com with an introduction to the book, the author, the genre, if it's part of a tour/launch, your preferred date for the review (very important), a blurb/synopsis, links to online stores (if available), and the author’s site and social media accounts. Please note that I do not accept requests to review unpublished manuscripts.
- Please note that I am book blogging as a personal hobby so I may not be able to accommodate all review requests. I will try my best to respond to your email but if you do not hear from me within a week, please assume that I am not able to accept your request/offer
- A mailing address will be provided should you choose to send a physical copy. If sending a digital copy, please send .pdf or .epub. Rest assured that I will never sell a physical ARC, but I MIGHT pass it along as a blog giveaway for other bookish peeps to enjoy as well. If you would prefer I do NOT share an ARC, please note when sending.
- I reserve the right to not finish a book and/or write a DNF review if I find that the book is extremely out of my taste. If I decided not to finish with enough to discuss, I will post my thoughts on why I chose not to finish. When I mark a book as DNF, it will automatically have a one-star rating on the blog but I will not give any star rating in Goodreads. I will just file it on a separate shelf on Goodreads for my DNF books.
- If requested, I will send a link to you once I have finished my review and posted it here in the blog (and Goodreads). Please note that I do not send a draft of my review prior to posting. If you wish to share my review / a portion of my review via other sites, kindly let me know.
- I will not tolerate any abuse or personal attacks from badly behaving authors or publicists. Any conversations containing harassment will e exposed on social media.